Grammar and Composition for Heritage Learners

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bilingualWe will be working through the office of volunteers in the Chapel Hill – Carrboro City Schools.  Our contact is:

Stuart Phillips
Volunteer Office- Lincoln Center
750 S. Merritt Mill Road,
Chapel Hill, NC 27516
919.967.8211–ext 28369

Here is the link to the Volunteer page on the district website. If you’re interested in doing the experiential learning with this class, you need to register (How to become a Volunteer)but you do not need to sign up for a training.

  •       In response to “volunteer demographics”, you should choose APPLES, FPG for “preferred school” and then note CoachWrite for “project preference.”

      Stuart Phillips will have much more specific information to share with us at the beginning of the semester in January.  Stuart will discuss the ways the teachers are approaching Spanish writing instruction with the blend of native English/native Spanish speakers in their classrooms.FPG-Web-Banner-v2

      As background, FPG has a mandated student population that is equally divided between the two groups of students: the native English speaking students come from wide range of backgrounds, some have a strong level of academic support at home, and many of the Spanish speaking children come from households where their exposure to English is extremely limited.  As a result, there is a significant divide in their literacy development and backgrounds. I’m not sure how that disparity plays out in the day-to-day teaching strategies used to support writing development, but Stuart Phillips will help us figure this out.  apples-banner

Your requirements for this work are the same as for all APPLES programs at UNC.  Students in APPLES courses commit to serving a minimum of 30 hours with a community partner during the semester. While an APPLES volunteer, students can apply for additional funding and resources to deepen their contribution with an organization. As many APPLES students continue to serve beyond the length of the semester, APPLES is also committed to sustaining and connecting these organizations with APPLES courses or other resources at Carolina. Each year, APPLES provides resources and support for more than 100 faculty and community partners sustaining service-learning partnerships.

Form for logging hours worked as APPLES service-learner.

There are only two hours of the instructional day that are NOT options for volunteers– 9:00-10:00 and lunch time, 11:30-12:30. All other hour blocks, from 8:00-2:30, have at least one class writing in Spanish. In January we will also know whether the homework support time afterschool would allow student volunteers  to work on writing assignments; if so, that will open up a later afternoon option as well.

Transportation:  FPG school is served by both the J and D routes.  For bus routes check the Town of Chapel Hill bus routes.   For bus availability, check Next  Bus.

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